【推介礼】继较早前Hero Tai戴祖雄代言的Reborn Collagen Plus深受大马民众欢迎,更是在大马卖得热血沸腾。因此,DE BEAUTY乘胜追击,把来自日本最畅销瘦身产品Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee引进大马,势必再创另一高峰。
日前,天然瘦身绿咖啡举行推介礼,让大家一起见证这来自日本最畅销的瘦身产品 Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee的艺人还包括城中名模Alex钟国强以及Kit马吉緯和9位模特儿一同走秀,并为这场推介礼掀开别开生面的一幕。
DE BEAUTY 营业经理陈伟荣表示:“当初引进这产品的目的是想为肥胖一族解决肥胖问题。我们都知道肥胖是因各种因素而造成即荷尔蒙失调、脂肪堆积及水肿等所致。因此, 我觉得这市场还蛮大的,因为我们的产品是针对燃烧脂肪、软化脂肪以及阻止脂肪。这产品之所以受欢迎是因为它能在你饮用后,身体自然会产生饱足感。因此,只 要服用2个星期就会看到效果,这就是日本最新的时尚减肥之品Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee。”
Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee最大的优势是服用时无需节食。如有胃痛症状的人是不会造成胃痛恶化问题。你每天只要在吃早餐时,配以100ml的热水冲调,与早餐一起享用即 可。另外,它的特点是以代糖代替糖分,让享用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee减肥的用户同样能品味到甜味,让您既可以享受咖啡又能“甜得健康”。
Mission :
The brand concept of DE BEAUTY is to transform one's personal charms to his or her own unique style. The company is constantly making effort in helping people to change, with the aim of making them look attractive and own personal style. This mission has been the driving force that bringing DE BEAUTY to go further miles.
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Everyone deserve to be charming! DE BEAUTY helps you to draw attention, the limelight, and the fawning admiration of millions.
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Or email : info@debeauty.com.my
Start Shopping With Amazing Deals From De Beauty.Best Price & Free Delivery with Minimum Order RM200.If you have any questions on product details, health and beauty tips, ordering , make payment and shipping, Please Call hotline or send Sms
Mobile phone: +6012 6767 000 ,+6012 3786 321
WhatsApp: +60111 9996 000 , +6012 3786 321